Consultation & Contact

What to Expect at your Initial Consultation with LFK Law

Whether your legal issues relate to family or estate law, a combination of both or relate to elder law issues, there are often many decisions to be made at a time when emotions and stress levels are high. LFK law will provide the legal guidance and professional support necessary to help you effectively assess your options. 

The most important thing you can do to help yourself and your family when facing any kind of legal issues, is to seek advice from an experienced lawyer as soon as possible. Contact LFK Law to book an initial consultation.

At the initial consultation, you will be required to provide government photo ID. You should bring any court documents relating to your matter with you to your first meeting. We will discuss your circumstances and identify the legal issues you are facing and the various options for resolution. If it is agreed that LFK Law will represent you, then you will be provided with a list of information and materials we will need to proceed. We will discuss fees and the process for engaging the services of LFK Law to represent you.






Call: 250.905.0575

Suite 301, 154 Memorial Avenue
PO Box 1148
Parksville, BC, V9P 2H2